Signature Bridal Bouquet
Signature Bridal Bouquet
Designed in Celsia Floral’s signature botanical style, using the best seasonal blooms and foliage. Select your preferred colour palette and share any notes you wish to relay to our design team. Please note: we cannot guarantee specific floral products due to seasonal availability.
The bouquet will be wrapped with a complementary toned satin ribbon, a 6” vase and a towel. All bouquets will be Classic Wrapped.
Your florals will be stored in our coolers, ready for pickup out of our Kitsilano studio on your desired date. Please share your preferred PICKUP DATE and PICKUP TIME WINDOW in the note section of your order.
Delivery is available upon request and for an additional fee. If you are interested in receiving a quote for delivery, please share your DELIVERY ADDRESS & PREFERRED TIME WINDOW and our team will reach out with your custom delivery quote.
Bouquet Sizing and Reference Images
All our designs are custom and the exact sizing of your bouquet depends on the specific flowers and foliage used. While it is difficult to say exactly how large your bouquet may be; please review these reference images below of our past work.
If you have any further questions before purchasing our Signature Bouquet for your wedding day, please send an email to